Easy Taxi app launched in Bahrain

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Easy Taxi, a leading taxi booking app, which will allow customers to book taxis through their smart phones, is set to launch in Bahrain.

The award winning app, which is currently in its beta stage, has been rolled out in over 30 countries worldwide. The app recognizes the strength in Bahrain’s local taxi fleet and will enhance their position in the market, a statement said.

With over 155,000 registered drivers and seven million plus passengers using the service internationally, Easy Taxi has a proven track record for reliable services provided to customers and increased business for local taxi drivers.

The entrance into Bahrain will be Easy Taxi’s 31st in the world, following successful launches in the region which included Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with plans for more soon.

Easy Taxi customers will receive introductory beta stage discounted rates for their rides while the app goes through its testing period. More information can be found at easytaxi.com and the app can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play and iTunes.

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