Today Flickr announced that it’s added new sharing functionality that allows users to share specific Flickr content on various social networking sites, including Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. In an attempt to make “Flickr the hub for your photos on the Internet,” the Flickr folks have made it easier for you to share your photos to the places you want.
Replacing the “Share this” button is new a icon for email, the two sharing services you most recently used, and a drop down menu, which gives you access to other sharing destinations, the URL, and the embed code. You can now not only share your individual photos and photostream, but sets and groups as well. You can also share non-public Flickr content with your Facebook friends, so you can keep your goofy game-night pics private on Flickr, but still share them with your Facebook friends.
Plus, now, even if you aren’t signed into Flickr, you can share public and safe photos from the site on Twitter and Facebook accounts. On its blog, Flickr says its changes “make it easier to upload once to Flickr and get your photos out to other places you showcase your photos on the web!” We all know that life is hard enough, so why not try the new features out and see if it really does make photo sharing easier.