We have some Google+ updates which were announced by Senior VP for Social at Google, Vic Gundotra. Firstly is the addition of Google+ Events which aims to be different to current social event management methods by making it more ‘human’ focusing on the “before, during and after”. The ‘before’ refers to the invites of course with a nice little feature called Cinemagraphs, which act like high-resolution animated GIFs, that add a little subtle touch your event invite. Invites can be sent to other Google+ users or to emails of those that aren’t and can be synced to appear in their Google Calendar.
The introduction of Party Mode to the Google+ app covers the ‘during’, upon enabling the feature during the event any photos or videos taken (which is assumed to be relevant to the event) will be shared to the event page and be viewable by other event-goers. The Android app prompts the user to enable Party Mode when the event starts and also allows you to notify the host that you’ve arrived. Users will be able to watch the event’s stream update with photos in real-time and can view a live full-screen slideshow of the photos as they are uploaded.
After the event has concluded, any photos or videos taken during the event are collated on the event’s page and mixed in with any other photos uploaded after the event. Guests are sent email reminders to upload their video and photos taken from they digital camera for instance to the event page. From there all photos are then displayed in chronological order, with a events highlight section for photos that have received the most number of +1′s or comments.
Along with the Events feature comes the introduction of Google+ for Android tablets and iPad that utilises a very visual-centred approach to the streams placing photos upfront, sorted by their popularity (+1′s, comments, shares). Similar improvements have also been implemented in the phone UI and the update is available in the Google Play Store from today, and will come to the iPad “soon”.