Google & Faceboook Looking to Acquire Skype

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Skype is in talks with Google and Facebook for a potential acquisition or joint venture. What will be Skype’s business strategy moving forward?…
Sources say that both Google and Facebook are considering a deal with Skype, either through a straight acquisition or joint-venture partnership. With both Google and Facebook having their own chat networks, what’s the strategy here?

Skype is said to be at the crossroads at this point, with two major companies seeking to either buy it out or enter into a joint-venture. Facebook is the leading social network, with hundreds of millions of users. Google is still the leading search company, with a lot of individual- and business-oriented applications built around its technologies.
Facebook long has video-chat in the making, but has not yet been able to implement this feature. For some time now, Skype API calls have actually been embedded within Facebook code, and so they’re probably just waiting for a go-signal of sorts to incorporate video-chat through Skype. Meanwhile, Google has its own voice and video-conferencing system, through Google Talk.
Facebook is more consumer-oriented, though, and Skype will probably do better with a company that can build on its existing strategy of focusing on enterprise and business channels. Google already services businesses, educational institutions and enterprises with its Google Apps, and Skype integration might be an excellent addition, especially if Google can somehow integrate Skype into future Android versions.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog,

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