HP Slate 21 – (Tablet & Desktop)

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Desktop computers have been HP’s turf for a long time, but with upstart companies coming out with tablets that can also work as desktop PCs, the market has shrunk considerably for the company. But now HP is fighting back by coming out with the HP Slate 21, a tablet that can also be a desktop.

The tablet, which was just revealed in Beijing, is different from the other tablets out in the market today. While slates like the Lenovo Horizon, Sony’s Vaio Tap 20, and even HP’s very own Envy Rove 20, run on Windows 8, the Slate 21 will be running on Android 4.2.2. It will also be powered by a Tegra 4 NVIDIA ARM processor, has a 21.5”, 1080p touch screen and a high-def webcam. Another thing the slate has going for is its distinct design. Unlike the other devices mentioned, Slate 21 can’t be laid completely flat, but it can be adjusted to angles between 15 – 75 degrees so it can be used like a traditional desktop PC.

Stay tuned for price & release date updates.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog, itechbahrain.com.

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