iPhone 4 Prototype Auctioned at Ebay

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Its a slow-news day today but that doesn’t mean we’ll be stopping on delivering some interesting iPhone news. Take for example this report we’ve just uncovered from the blogopshere stating “one of the first iPhone 4 prototype is now currently being auctioned at eBay”.

How do we say its an iPhone 4 prototype? Well, it just so happens that the hardware of this ancestral device matches similarly with that infamous Gizmodo iPhone 4 of last year setting the company on a not-so-sweet relationship with Apple ever since.

Interestingly, this device has a “DF1692” number that can be seen on the unit’s front and back, which serves as a tracking number for Apple to locate the owner of that device. Obviously, it doesn’t matter now as this unit belongs to eBay.

However, if you’re that sane buyer who’ll realize that aside from the fact this phone is a “prototype”, there’s really nothing much you can do to it in terms of usability like an ordinary iPhone 4, since it can’t connect / be activated on iTunes and the seller doesn’t even know if its a 16GB or 32GB model.

The insane part? From its price of $70,100 a couple of hours ago, the bid now ballooned up to 1 million dollars.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog, itechbahrain.com.

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