Marvel screws Chinese subtitles of Guardians of the Galaxy

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“Guardians of the Galaxy,” the Marvel movie which swept the international box office and was billed as one of the best superhero movies the studio has made in later years, is having some trouble in China. Poor subtitles are driving people away from cinemas and thus hurting the overall rating of the movie, not to mention profits.

China Daily reports that several inaccuracies in the film’s subtitles meant that the movie got mixed reviews and several members of the audience complained that they didn’t understand the lines.
Audiences were left puzzled by bad translations, the movie got mixed reviews as a consequence

Anyone who has seen it knows that the entire film relies on a series of humorous scenes, not only visual, but also mostly based on the lines of the characters. So if the translator didn’t do a good job adapting the text to his or her native language, then the audience wouldn’t be able to get the joke and thus miss the point of the scene altogether.

The movie opened in China on October 10 and it managed to raise only 191 million yuan ($31.2 million – €24.3 million) in the first three days, less than other superhero movies in the recent past, such as “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “X-Men: Days of Future Past.”

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