Microsoft Imagine Cup 2016: Pan-Arab Semifinals

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Imagine Cup 2016 Pan Arab winners announced at Semi-Finals in Egypt

The Imagine Cup 2016 Pan Arab Semi-Finals hosted a record 150 students in 37 teams, representing 13 Arab countries. The event was held in partnership with the Ministry of Telecommunication & Information Technology and sponsored by the American University in Cairo, School of Business; PepsiCo; Renaissance Hotels and EgyptAir.

It was the culmination of a months-long series of contests at national level that brought together the brightest young minds from across the Arab World to showcase the power of innovation.

The third annual Pan Arab Semi-Finals saw Team Basilisk from Tunisia, Team Night’s Watch Tunisia and Team Vanguards from Bahrain winning in the Innovation, World Citizenship and Games categories, respectively.

Please meet the winning teams and wish them good luck for the world wide finals! Plus make sure to come back next year when we again unite Arab innovation and creativity to make this world a better place.

Protect Me, by Team Basilisk, is a pressure and shear sensing technology, for people with diabetes.  Some diabetic patients lose sensitivity and develop ulcers that can lead to amputation of the toe or foot.

Smart Hand, by Team Night’s Watch Tunisia, is a prosthetic hand for people that have lost one or more of their limbs. It makes use of a Myo Armband and a phone app and allows the user to programme his smart hand using the app.

“Apollo-X”, by Team Vanguards, is a horror game that uses Virtual Reality, Biofeedback technology and a mobile phone. The game is adaptive and changes according to the player’s heart rate. As the player becomes more frightened, the scarier and more difficult the game becomes.

All Imagine Cup Pan Arab Semifinals Winners


First Place: Night’s Watch Tunisia, Tunisia

Second Place: SmartInaf, Algeria

Third Place: Vditory, Egypt


First Place: Vanguards, Bahrain

Second Place: The Lost Methods, Saudi Arabia

Third Place: Xerise, Algeria


First Place: Basilisk, Tunisia

Second Place: Crows aka the Warriors, Algeria

Third Place: TutUp, Lebanon

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