Microsoft Teams can Host 20,000 Participants

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Microsoft has upgraded their collaboration software, Microsoft Teams, to a whole new level by upping the number of participants per meeting.

The company says that meeting organizers will soon be able to bring together upto 20,000 participants at ago but only for a view-only meeting experience.

That’s an obscene number by any measure and it seems like the perfect tool for those meetings that involves companies having large meetings like product launches and the likes.

In addition to that, for those interactive meetings where attendees can chat, unmute to talk, and turn on their videos for real-time collaboration, Teams will now support upto 1,000 participants, up from the maximum of 250 participants currently.

“As the global response to COVID-19 evolves, communities around the world have moved from an era of “remote everything” into a more hybrid model of work, learning, and life. And as we all scramble to keep up, the future of work and education is being shaped before our eyes. At Microsoft, we have spent the last few months learning from our customers and studying how they use our tools,” Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365.

Microsoft also revealed that there will be three new features that will be coming to Teams. Together Mode will use AI to digitally place participants in a shared background so that it feels like they are in the same room. Dynamic view will give more control over how you see shared content and other participants in a meeting. Video filters will allow participants to subtly adjust lighting levels and soften the focus of the camera to customize their appearance.

Microsoft’s Corporate VP, Spataro says that all of these features will roll out later this year. In particular, ‘together mode’ will roll out next month.

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