Nuance Nina & Siri Comparison

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There have been so many different receptions to the concept of Apple’s Siri. Some say the virtual assistant is just so talkative while others enjoy the convenience of being able to check the weather and to text through it. With that, Apple’s partner in voice control developments, Nuance, is trying to extend Siri’s abilities to other applications. Nuance has dubbed their new project Nina. 

With Nina, businesses using either iOS or Android will be able to integrate voice capabilities easily into their apps with the use of a software development kit or SDK. What’s interesting is that Nina will be the frontrunner with voice assistant SDKs — something which even Siri doesn’t come with it. Some say that with Nina’s access to the data of retailers, banks, hotels, airlines, along with the use of Nuance’s technology; these will all provide Nina with great usability. As what we have been indicating, it is quite clear that Nina is focused on the business front. Sources even said that a demo showed a user being able to pay his bill through the command “Pay my bill” with a test banking app integrated with the application. We do need to take note that Nina will only work with a network connection because it depends on Nuance’s Voice Assistant Cloud. It is said that the quality of Nina’s response greatly depends on the quality of your internet connection. Other features include the choice of 40 different voices and the option of customizing Nina with the user’s own ‘voice’. Although, others commented that Nina really sounds like Siri. 

If you want to know the difference between the two, then you might want to look at Nina’s voice biometrics capabilities. Apparently, Nina will know if it’s YOU talking to it or someone else. The company has really thought of it for security and convenience’s sake. Unfortunately, Siri does not have this kind of feature. For those who are interested to get your hands on Nina, its SDK is already available for download today. Applications integrating Nina into their systems will be available by the end of the year.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog,

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