Pavlok wearable wristband: Your Gym Buddy

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Motivation comes in many forms: a TV commercial, a concerned friend or maybe just by sheer will and determination to better your life. In most cases, we revolve in a world where our work dictates our way of living – a combination of busting our behinds to earn that paycheck and social interaction. But there’s that one aspect that tends to be left behind – management.

Stanford standout Maneesh Sethi knows and feels exactly what we’re talking about and he put it in good use in the development of Pavlok, a wristband that will straighten out our daily agendas from waking up to sleeping.

“It sits on my wrist and at 6am it’ll vibrate. I can snooze it, but if I snooze it twice, it shocks me,” said Sethi as he describes the wearable that’s scheduled to be announced later this year. It’s more than just the shock treatment that makes you get up, drop that bag of potato chips and go to the gym. It’s more like of a social reminder that would make you do what’s on your itinerary because Pavlok partners you with a friend or associate and through an app or Facebook, you or your partner could monitor your respective actions. Challenge your friend to say, a 30 minute treadmill run, a hundred pushups and 50 burpees. Failure to accomplish means a zap. It’s fun, it’s new and hey, it could change your habits in a single buzz.

On a more positive note, reinforcing such habits isn’t that bad. Treat Pavlok as your new wakeup call to be healthier and more organized. Sethi is now pinning Pavlok via crowdfunding for a fall release and should things go as planned, 2015 is the year the wearable is on our wrists, waiting and willing to ping us.

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