Russian Space Hotel

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Have anyone ever imagined the possibility of space tourism? Well, technology has brought us a lot of impossible things so this is not really impossible to happen in the future. However, you must be really rich in order to afford this a vacation in space and enjoy seeing the heavenly bodies that we used to see only in movies and in books. And speaking of space tourism, there are some reports that a Russian company called Orbital technologies has been building some plans of launching the first orbital hotel five years from now. And only those who have extra $ 1 million five years from now will have the opportunity to stay in this orbiting hotel for five days.

You might probably wonder how it could be possible. Well, apparently you will get into this orbiting hotel through riding a Russian Soyuz rocket that will take you to the Commercial Space station that is located 217 miles above the earth. It is estimated that travel time from the Earth to the Space station could take a day. This orbiting hotel could accommodate up to seven space tourists that will be given the opportunity to see the beauty of space and travel the earth’s orbit at 17, 500 miles per hour.

The Commercial Space Station will be located 62 miles from the International Space Station so in case of any emergency, help can reach them easily. Well, it seems that only those rich and wealthy people could afford this kind of travel, but the question is – “Is one million dollars enough?” Well, that we have to see in the future. So watch out for more updates.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog,

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