World Drone Prix to be hosted in Dubai on March 11th

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While there are plenty of efforts to make drone racing a serious sport, Dubai is determined to outdo them all. It’s about to host the World Drone Prix, which will robotic fliers against each other in high-speed (over 62MPH) competition. Over 100 teams will participate in “American Idol-style” qualifiers between March 7th and 8th; the top 32 from that bunch will make it to the actual races on March 11th and 12th.

This isn’t about to usher in a Formula 1-like pro racing league, but this does have a shot at succeeding where other leagues might struggle. Besides the lavish production values (see the supercar-laden promo video below if you need proof), it’s handing out a total of $1 million in prizes, including $250,000 for the winner. Although that pales in comparison to what top-tier race car leagues offer, it’s a big enough incentive that it could keep teams coming back for future events.

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