3 Tools to Increase your Twitter Followers

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Gaining Twitter followers is one thing, and engagement is another. Sometimes you just want to get those follower numbers up–to jumpstart a business, for example, get those RTs and favorites rolling in…

The number is just that: a number. But here’s some tools that will help you gain followers on Twitter quickly.

1. Controversial, But True: You Can Buy Followers?

Fiverr–so called for the meager price you pay to get started with the site ($5) is a “marketplace for creative and professional services.” Among freelancers looking to make your next video animation project, there are folks offering to give you 10,000 Twitter followers for just five bucks. The followers will be fake, though, and the idea is that they make you look more legitimate than you are, which does happen to lure in true blue fans of your business.

There are risks with this, of course. If discovered–and more people are hip to services like Fiverr these days–it looks kind of sad, not to mention ethically dubious, according to some. And once you do have all those fake followers in the mix, your chances of measuring real ROI will be pretty much shot for a while.

But if buying 10,000 fake followers helps you find 500 true, engaged followers, perhaps there’s an upside.

2. Find Your Tweeple: ManageFlitter

To put it simply: ManageFlitter helps you find users you should follow, as well as tells you which users to unfollow. It shows you who you’ve followed who hasn’t followed back (sniff), people who still look like eggs, and who could help you gain traction as predicted by the “golden ratio” of followers to following to tweets. (If a person has more followers than following, they probably have some pretty good clout worth tapping into).

For businesses trying to grow quickly, using ManageFlitter would go something like this: Wake up, follow 100 users (that’s the max per day). Go to bed, wake up, remove any users who have not followed you back, follow 100 more users. Repeat.

3. Supplement Your Tweets with an RSS Feed
Great content is one, sure-fire way to gain loyal followers on Twitter. To that end, tools like Twibble help you link your web feed directly to your Twitter account, and let you schedule tweets to ensure you’re giving your followers a healthy diet of good content.

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