Huggies TweetPee Tweets & Alerts Moms

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Taking care of the baby by making sure that their diaper is still dry is the latest technological venture. Parents can even keep themselves updated through Facebook and Twitter as the new baby product from Huggies has an app-triggering sensor as well.

Currently being tested in Brazil, Huggies’ TweetPee features an iPhone application and a humidity sensor that can be clipped on the baby’s diaper. It is shaped like an owl probably because of its role to send out tweets by activating the app once humidity is detected. The tweet is automatically received by the parent to tell them that the baby’s diaper has to be changed. Through this diaper alerting device, parents can also keep track the number of diapers used every day and advise them if it’s time to buy a new pack thereby avoiding the hassle of running out on diapers.

Though the clipped sensor can detect humidity, it’s unclear if it’s also possible for it to detect a different situation. Of course in this case, the human nose is still perhaps the best option.

At least four families in Brazil have agreed to test the product. Huggies plans to increase that number this coming July. When everything else seems to be in place, Huggies TweetPee will be ready for consumers who don’t want to rely on the baby’s crying alone when it feels that it needs a new diaper.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog,

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