Open-Source Radiation Detector

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Open-source hardware has brought up things like an NES controller for iPad but folks over at Seeed Studio, purveyors of various DIY parts, are trying to do some serious good in the world using their hardware-hacker mentality. On their blog, the company has put out an open call for developers and hobbyists to collaborate on an open-source radiation detector that could help the residents of Fukushima Prefecture in Japan deal with the ongoing nuclear accident.

The comments section is awash in suggestions on how to build the thing, from this article on making a random number generator with a geiger counter to this site with schematics for building the world’s smallest radiation detector. According to a commenter from a hackerspace in Tokyo, there’s already an effort there to create a network of homemade radiation detectors using Arduinos around the city, with 10 of the custom Arduino-compatible add-on boards ready for testing.

With radiation already detected in milk in Fukushima, it seems like the open-source hardware community might be able to really make a difference for the people of Japan with this project. If you’re a hardware hacker yourself, head on over to the comments thread on Seeed or Hack-A-Day and join in the discussion. Otherwise, just marvel at the fact that the same device that made a thirsty houseplant tweet might save lives some day soon.

About Faisal Ebrahim

Tech enthusiast, IT & Cybersecurity consultant & Sales manager. I'm passionate about staying ahead of the curve on emerging technologies, including EVs, AI, robotics, and the metaverse. For over 15 years, I've explored and shared these innovations on my blog,

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