The first batch of terrifying apocalypse torpedoes has been built by Russia.

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The first long-range nuclear torpedoes built by Poseidon have been delivered to the Russian Navy.
The nuclear-powered torpedoes are faster than NATO submarines and torpedoes.
A 2-megaton nuclear weapon on Poseidon is intended to destroy coastal cities and ports.

According to reports, Russia has acquired the first Poseidon nuclear-tipped torpedoes. The Poseidon, which has been in development since 2015, contains a warhead that has an explosive force more than 100 times greater than the atomic bombs unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Should Washington chose to strengthen its missile defenses, the weapon is intended to make sure that American coastal towns remain vulnerable to nuclear assault.

The first batch of Poseidon torpedoes has been produced and will shortly be dispatched to outfit the Russian Navy submarine Belgorod, according to TASS, a component of Russian state media. The quantity of torpedoes in the batch is not specified in the paper, but naval specialist HI Sutton thinks Belgorod can hold up to six Poseidons at once.

Poseidon is a massive nuclear-powered torpedo that can be launched hundreds of miles afar to strike enemy coastal locations. Poseidon is the biggest torpedo ever used, measuring around 65 feet long and 6.5 feet wide. Given its size, it may be considered an underwater drone. Its range is practically unlimited thanks to the usage of nuclear energy. A weapon like Poseidon might theoretically be launched from a port or a naval base, but mounting it on a submarine makes it more challenging to find and eliminate.

The benefits of nuclear electricity go beyond range. Additionally, Poseidon has a top speed of 70 knots, or 80 miles per hour on land. As a result, NATO submarines and torpedoes would not be able to catch up with a Poseidon that was speeding to its target—at least not right away. No nation has ever fielded a weapon that can go at 80 knots underwater, hence there is currently no viable defense.

Experts believe Poseidon is armed with a 2-megaton thermonuclear warhead. This is the largest warhead the country has deployed in decades, equivalent to 2,000 kilotons of TNT. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had a yield of 15 to 21 kilotons. A two-megaton thermonuclear bomb detonated on land would produce a mile-diameter fireball that would inflict third-degree burns on him about nine miles away. If such a bomb were dropped on New York City, it would kill 1.7 million people and injure 2 million more.

Belgorod was launched in 1992 as an Oscar II guided missile submarine. The Russian Navy has been unable to complete the unfinished submarine for more than two decades due to lack of funding, but construction resumed in the mid-2010s with the aim of completing it as a “Special Operations Auxiliary” submarine. I was.

“Special Mission” modifications included her six oversized torpedo tubes for loading and launching Poseidon torpedoes. Belgorod is 583 feet long and about 50 feet wide, and when fully loaded she has a displacement of 30,000 tons. This gives her 50% more displacement than the US Navy’s Ohio-class missile submarines.

It is believed that Russia needs 30 Poseidons. Poseidon is not a first-strike weapon that suddenly destroys US cities. It’s big and noisy, and it takes days after it’s launched to reach its destination. The torpedo suggests that even if the United States expands its missile defense program to counter a nuclear attack from Russia, Moscow still has the means to threaten the United States, particularly a naval base capable of reloading U.S. submarines and majors with ballistic missiles. Designed to ensure that Angeles or New York City.

The Poseidon report comes from state-owned Russian media source TASS. TASS messages should be displayed with caution. In the past, news agencies have reported that Russia has destroyed 200 Ukrainian military helicopters, more than at the start of the war, and 367 fighters, more than the Ukrainian Air Force actually operated. It also underreports Russian casualties and war crimes against civilians.

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