Tag Archives: Facebook

You Might Not be using the Next Big Social App (Yet)

Aaron Weiche, a father of four, held off on joining new social media apps because he didn’t need “one more social addiction.” That changed this year when his 18-year-old daughter ...

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Facebook messenger rooms Multi video chating available globally

Taking on Zoom and other video conferencing apps like Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, Facebook has rolled out its group video chat Messenger Rooms globally that allows free video calls ...

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Facebook to buy GIF platform GIPHY for $400 million

According to the company, 50% of GIPHY’s traffic comes from Facebook-owned apps, like Instagram, WhatsAppThe blog post suggests that Facebook won’t take away access to GIPHY from other developers, at ...

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Dumb people post smart quotes on facebook

Are you a Deepak Chopra fan and love to bombard your friends’ Facebook wall with inspirational quotes? This may sweep the floor off your feet. According to interesting research, people ...

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Facebook approves four-month parental leave for all employees

Facebook is introducing four-month parental leave for all new fathers, days after Mark Zuckerberg announced he would be taking two months of leave for the birth of his first child. ...

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Studies say 43% of Facebook Pages Use Paid Advertising

By: MARKO SARIC Welcome to the latest study in which Locowise looks at 5,000 Facebook pages and their growth, reach and engagement results in the month of May. Here are ...

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