Social Media

BBM app for iOS & Android updates

BlackBerry hasn’t announcing anything about BBM apps on Android and iPhone’s release date yet, and the last official statement from the company about its instant messaging service’s Android and iPhone ...

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Vine app version 1.3.1

A new flavor of the Vine application is now available for download for the owners of Android devices, namely version 1.3.1, with major changes packed inside. The new release arrives ...

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Facebook announces video for Instagram

Facebook today unveiled a highly anticipated video feature for its popular Instagram photo-sharing app, a foray that comes as mobile rivals circle its business. In keeping with its status as ...

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Useful Tips to Keep Your Online Social Life Secure

With all the malware, phishing and scams that are plaguing the Internet, it’s difficult for users not to fall victim to cyber threats while using social media services. However, if ...

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Evernote Reminders

Evernote has announced updates for multiple platforms, including for its web app. The company is now introducing Reminders, which is a feature that incorporates three of the most requested updates ...

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mIRC Release v7.32

mIRC has just received a brand new round of improvements, almost five months after the developers behind the project released a small update to fix reported bugs. This time, mIRC ...

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