Social Media

WhatsApp drops subscription fee, completely free now

WhatsApp, the messaging service that Facebook bought in 2014, charges a $1 annual subscription fee after your first year of using the app. The idea here was to charge a ...

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Instagram hot girls & cats

Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion. So, despite our best efforts, our Instagram posts failed to go past a few hundred likes in 2015? Never mind, as to ...

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Dumb people post smart quotes on facebook

Are you a Deepak Chopra fan and love to bombard your friends’ Facebook wall with inspirational quotes? This may sweep the floor off your feet. According to interesting research, people ...

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Facebook Dislike Button

A dislike button on Facebook, Founder Mark Zuckerberg was then hesitant to offer this button because of a possible “voting battle” as what happened on Reddit. This time, he thinks ...

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Tweeters

By: A. A. CURREY Why do some people rise to the top of Twitter and some people are destined for the dregs? Being “good at Twitter” can look really effortless, ...

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3 Tools to Increase your Twitter Followers

Gaining Twitter followers is one thing, and engagement is another. Sometimes you just want to get those follower numbers up–to jumpstart a business, for example, get those RTs and favorites ...

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