Tag Archives: it security

miniLock Plugin: Encryption & Decryption Tool Overviews

If you ask any developer and programmer and they will downright say that encrypting is a tedious task. For one, it requires a special set of skills to do the ...

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Bahrain Telecom to Offer DDOS Protection Services partnered with DOSarrest

Bahrain Telecom realized the threat of DDoS attacks on their customer base and set out to explore the various options available for their business customers’ enterprise websites. After evaluating the ...

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Android Trojan SMS.AndroidOS.Stealer.a Overviews & Treat Report

Kaspersky Labs experts have revealed that, in the first quarter of 2014, Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.Stealer.a accounted for almost a quarter of attempted infections on Android devices which have the company’s security solutions ...

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3 effective tips to protect your online privacy

The Web is a wild place, with more than the NSA potentially out to get you. With the so-called six strikes antipiracy initiative in full effect, you never know if ...

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Penetration Testing using active threats & malwares

Penetration testing has come a long way in the last decade, evolving from a somewhat controversial practice to a de facto best practice in the enterprise market. That evolution hasn’t ...

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Useful Tips to Keep Your Online Social Life Secure

With all the malware, phishing and scams that are plaguing the Internet, it’s difficult for users not to fall victim to cyber threats while using social media services. However, if ...

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